Trying to be happier – that's good enough for me, without a precise definition. 努力更快乐&这对我来说足够了,不需要一个精确的定义。
Barred in this case refers to a state the mobile user is in, and therefore represents a very precise definition of the condition. 这种禁止状态指明了移动用户所处的状态,并为状态展现了一个非常精确的定义。
To have happiness as the only goal can make people crazy, it's too hard, and you never know when you get there because there is no precise definition of happiness. 把幸福作为人生唯一的目标会让你疯狂&太难了,而且你永远不知道你何时才能到达,因为你自己对幸福也没有确切的定义。
I analyzed how each of these four sentiment indicators behaved on the occasion of past bull-market tops, using the precise definition employed by Ned Davis Research, the institutional research firm. 我分析四种情绪指数各自在牛市最好时期产生的什么作用,使用奈德戴维斯研究公司发布的精确定义。奈德戴维斯研究公司是一家机构研究公司。
It is one of basic tasks for the study of Ci to give a complete and precise definition. 给词下一个完整而精确的定义是词学研究的基本任务之一。
Some emotions, not always given precise definition. 有些情感,总是无法给出准确的定义。
The precise definition of the angular momentum of a body is complicated. 要给物体的角动量下精确的定义是困难的。
Both in theory and practice, recent nineties architecture may be placed in a broad, diffuse context that does not lend itself to precise definition. 在理论和实践中,二十世纪九十年代近期的建筑也许有更广泛而分散的内容,却没有其自身精确的定义。
Members of a group of mostly aquatic, photosynthetic organisms ( see photosynthesis) that defy precise definition. 一群主要是水生的、能行光合作用而无法精确定义的有机体。
Opinions differ, and it is difficult to give a precise definition. 观念不同,很难给出精确的定义。
Thus, although instantaneous speed is a physical reality, there is difficulty computing it for lack of a precise definition. 这样,虽然瞬间速度物理真实存在,很困难去计算,因为缺乏精确定义。
A precise definition of poverty is actually very difficult to determine. Where does one draw the line between those who are poor and those who are not? 对贫困的精确定义实际上是很难的。如何在贫穷和非贫穷的人之间划一条界限呢?
Can you give a precise definition of the word? 你能给这个词下个精确的定义吗?
The precise definition of proprietary trading dealing done by banks with their own funds is one of the most controversial issues arising from the new legislation and has triggered a wave of lobbying from financial groups and other interested parties. 关于自营交易(银行用自己的资金进行的交易)的精确定义,是新法规引发的最具争议的问题之一,已促使金融集团及其它利益攸关方展开了大量游说活动。
Theft and Embezzlement crime are different forms of property offence crime, judicial practice sometimes is difficult to make clear and precise definition. 盗窃罪和侵占罪是侵犯财产罪中两种不同的犯罪形式,司法实践中有时很难作出清楚、确切的界定。
The formulation of exemplary provisions requires precise definition of functions and appropriate use of legislative techniques. 例示规定的创制,应功能定位准确、立法技术运用得当。
We think that simplicity and complexity are a pair of relative concepts which are still under development, and can not be given a suitable and precise definition. 本文认为,简单性和复杂性都是发展着的、相对的概念,不可能给出一个普适的确切定义。
Based on analyzing the limitations of process, this paper expatiates the necessary to introduce thread and then give thread a more precise definition and lists its main characters. 在分析现有进程概念局限性的基础上,阐述了引入线程概念的必要性,进而给出了线程的确切定义和主要特征。
Of course, Marx did not, in his writings, leave us a precise definition on the general practice, which, to some extent, has created some difficulties for us to understand in practice. 当然,马克思并没有在他的著作中给我们留下一个关于总体实践的确切定义,这在一定程度上对我们正确理解马克思的总体实践观带来了一些困难。
By encoding the semantics of simulation fields and using formal describing methods, a precise definition of ICSL is given and its interpreter is constructed. 对领域相关语义进行编码,结合形式化描述方法和构造工具,定义ICSL并实现其解释器;
Texture is an important image feature that is hard to describe and has no acknowledged precise definition yet. 纹理是图像中一个重要而又难于描述的特征,至今还没有公认的精确定义。
Currently, the enticement investigation in our country has no scientific and precise definition, and the legal system. 目前我国对于诱惑侦查尚没有科学、准确的定义和相关的法律制度。
First through to the preemptive right concept analysis, to give a precise definition. 首先通过对新股认购优先权的概念进行分析,给予一个准确的定义。
But so far, academic neither makes systematic study and precise definition of the red culture, nor has a clear interpretation of the connotation and extension of the red culture. 但迄今为止,学界仍然没有对红色文化进行一个系统的研究和准确的定义,也没有对红色文化的内涵外延有着清晰的解释。
Fashion style as an abstract concept is no precise definition and accurate measurement method. 服装设计风格作为一个抽象概念,并没有确切的定义和准确的度量方法。
The precise definition of family violence is the theory basis of the study of the criminal law. 本文认为对家庭暴力的准确界定是研究家庭暴力刑法规制的理论基点。
Firstly, the concept of food safety were discussed, and on the basis of the difference between food safety and food hygiene, food quality concept to carry on the careful comparison, thus the concept of food safety to make a precise definition of connotation and denotation. 首先,对食品安全的意涵进行了探讨,并以此为基础将食品安全与食品卫生、食品质量等概念之间的差异进行了细致的比较,从而对食品安全概念的内涵和外延作出精确界定。
Because of the complexity of texture, the precise definition of texture image has not yet been given, which brings considerable difficulty for texture analysis. 由于纹理的复杂性,关于图像纹理的精确定义至今尚未给出,这也就给纹理分析带来了相当大的难度。
However, the concept of globalization, it is difficult to give a precise definition, but to be sure that, with in-depth study, has been recognized to be both at the macro and micro level, to understand and grasp the concept of globalization. 然而对于全球化的概念,我们很难给出确切的定义,但能够肯定的是,随着研究的深入,人们已经认识到应在宏观与微观两个层面上,对全球化概念进行理解和把握。